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Title: The British Shotgun: volume 1 1850-1870 , Volume 2 1871 ? 1890, volume 3 1891 ? 2011

Price: £75.00

Year: 2011

Edition: 1st thus

Publisher: Quiller Publishing Ltd

City of Publication: Shrewesbury

Summary: 3 volumes, 256 + vi ? 250 ? 320 pp Large 8vo illustrated in b/w from photographs and line drawings and old adverts, volume 3 includes colour illustrations from photographs. A fine set in DJ. Volumes 1 and 2 were published in 1979 and 1989 in a different format volume 3 is the first edition, all 3 volumes are now for the first time published in matching bindings and size. "This is an attempt to trace, as accurately as is now possible, the evolution of the shotgun during its formative years in Great Britain. Some of the developments of the period are known solely from the records of the patent office, others are mentioned in writings of the time, both magazine and book, and these sources have been extensively researched and are quoted from, where they add materially to our knowledge. Finally, and of paramount importance, has been the study of actual surviving guns... Where possible the authors have shot with the guns concerned and, again, this aspect has yielded a valuable insight into the practical developments which took place during the relevant years."

Ref: 23686

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